Monday, October 29, 2012

Using the Inkless Fingerprint Kit

Here is a short video on how to get the best prints when using the Inkless Fingerprint Kit.  


 A better look at a good print vs. a bad print.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Good Print, Bad Print

I've been meaning to do this for quite some time, and with the big summer wedding season behind me, I've finally had a chance.

Getting a good print is crucial to achieving a high quality poster. The true beauty of the poster is created by each person's own unique fingerprint lines. Unfortunately, if the print I receive is not clearly defined, there is not much I can do except request a new print.

Here are a few tips:

– Use a blank piece of paper. If the paper has something on the back, it will probably show through in the scan. Also, don't use lined notebook style paper!

– Push finger straight down and don't roll it.

– Use any color of ink, but really light colors aren't recommended. DO NOT use metallic inks (i.e. silver)

– It is important not to press too hard. It will make it very difficult to get a print with clear lines